Providing full range of products and outstanding service for Enteral Feeding
Our purpose is to deliver exceptional product and service solutions helping our customers achieve outstanding results.
TECHNOPATH is proud to partner with highly dynamic and innovative healthcare manufacturers to provide a full range of ENFit compatible NG tubes, gastrostomy and jejunostomy feeding devices in addition to a full range of enteral syringes and accessories.
TECHNOPATH supports this leading product range with an unrivalled Nursing & Patient Support Service. Our highly experienced nursing team delivers enteral feeding education to healthcare professionals, patients and carers in addition to an ‘in the home’ support program for patients discharged to the community care setting with a device supplied by TECHNOPATH. This service not alone offers significant and much welcomed support to these patients and their carers but also reduces rehospitalisation, which has significant benefits for the patients, their carers and the health care providers.