Food & Water Safety

  • Colifast
    Rapid, Automated and Remote Microbial Testing for Water and Food Safety Colifast ALARM™ is an electronic instrument for detecting indicator bacteria in drinking water using patented Colifast technology. 100 ml water samples are automatically collected at programmed intervals and analyzed for total coliforms, thermotolerant coliform bacteria or E. coli. In addition to performing rapid, online microbial water analysis, Colifast ALARM measures water turbidity. The system can automatically send results to control rooms / operators via LAN, digital signals or via mobile networks (SMS). The system can detect down to 1 cfu / 100 mL, and results are achieved within 6-14 / 15 hours. Technology The main components of Colifast ALARM are the incubator chamber, an injection pump system for fluid handling, and a detector system that includes wavelength-specific emitters combined with a spectrometer. Detection of down to 1 viable target bacteria is based on bacterial growth, group-specific enzyme activity and measured concentrations of a fluorescent product (ppb MU). An increase in the number of target bacteria means an increase in the amount of β-D-glucuronidase (E. coli-specific enzyme). The enzyme hydrolyses the growth medium substrate to MU (the fluorescent product) and β-D-glucuronic acid. Increased MU release gives increased fluorescence signal on the Colifast ALARM. Colifast growth medium contains inhibitors to prevent growth of non-coliforms. Colifast ALARM is verified by EPA's ETV program.
  • Colifast
    The Colifast At-Line Monitor – CALM is a fully automated early warning system for monitoring of coliforms and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in water. Detection time ranges from 2 to 12 hours. The technology is time-saving, cost-reducing, and environmentally friendly. Examples of CALM applications are monitoring of raw water, in-process water, waste water and recreational water. No laboratory facilities and minimal skills in microbiology are required to operate the instrument. The Colifast CALM is easily connected to the system computer or LAN interface. The patented Colifast growth media are supplied in Pre-filled Multi Well Trays™ and the flexibility of the system makes it easy to adapt to different applications. The CALM can perform parallel analysis of different target organisms. Depending on method and test frequency, the CALM needs monthly or weekly refilling of reagents. Technology The CALM instrument detects and quantifies E. coli, fecal or total coliform bacteria in water by fluorometric monitoring of β-glucuronidase activity (E. coli) or β-galactosidase activity (fecal and total coliforms). The detection of P. aeruginosa is based on substrate hydrolysis of aminopeptidase enzymes present in this bacterium. The Colifast technology is comprised of unique media formulations combined with instrument detection systems. The technology is covered by patents in numerous countries, with several international patents pending. Growth of other bacteria is stopped by inhibitors in the medium and by incubation of the samples at high temperature: Incubator temperatures for selection of thermotolerant coliform bacteria are 44 ° C and total coliforms / E. coli are 37 ° C. Method The instrument can perform one of two methods at a time. The Most Probable Number (MPN) method is based on the cultivation of bacteria. A certain volume is added to 4-6 wells of growth medium and the bacterial number is determined from how many of the wells that gave growth after the incubation period (11-12 hours). For the results to be as accurate as possible, it is therefore important that the samples taken on a given source usually give a mixture of positive and negative results. The rapid method is also a quantitative method, which is based on the enzyme activity of the bacteria present in the water sample. It provides response after 75-115 min and is suitable for water sources where major contamination events can occur. The CALM is a flexible instrument. This means that the instrument can be adapted to different locations with different occurrence of bacteria. If a source has an average bacterial count of 500 cfu / 100ml, 0.2 ml will usually give a positive test. By injecting about half of this volume, you will often get both positive and negative samples. If the source has lower concentrations of bacteria, the media concentration can be changed so that the sample volume can be as high as 10 ml. In this way, we ensure good results from the CALM instrument with optimal concentration of media after addition of sample and a sample volume appropriate for the source being measured.
  • Colifast
    Colifast Field Kit is a portable tool for field detection of coliform bacteria in water. The main method of the kit is a rapid method that provides an answer as early as 15 minutes, 2 hours at the latest. In addition, the kit includes methods for a quantitative MPN (Most Probable Number) method and presence/absence results. The procedure is very easy to perform, and requires no laboratory skills. Colifast Field Kit is delivered in a robust and portable metal case, and all equipment required for the water analysis is included. The Colifast Micro Detector (CMD) is used in combination with a growth medium for specific detection of target bacteria. Combined, they provide a simple instrumental analysis and rapid results that quantify the amount of coliform and thermotolerant bacteria in water. The method is based upon the patented technology of Colifast AS. The system detects down to 1 target bacterium per sample volume. Method The Colifast technology is based on a chemical reaction between a substrate in the growth medium and enzymes produced by the coliform bacteria. The bacterial enzyme β-D-galactosidase hydrolyses the substrate 4-methylumbelliferyl-β-D-galactoside, which results in the release of the fluorescent product 4-methylumbelliferone (MU). In addition to substrate, activators and growth factors, the medium comprises inhibitors that prevent the growth of non-coliform bacteria. The results are measured in fluorescent units. An increase in the number of bacteria corresponds to an increased amount of β-D-galactosidase (enzyme). The subsequent increase in the amount of MU (fluorescent product) results in a higher value on the instrument (Colifast Micro Detector). The incubation temperature selects for thermotolerant coliforms at 44 °C and total coliforms at 37 °C.
  • Neogen logo neogen-allergy-testing-milk
    Lateral flow devices for specific allergen detection Streamline your process and simplify your allergen testing with 3Neogen Allergen Protein Rapid Tests – qualitative immunochromatographic assays for rapid in-plant monitoring of specific food allergens. Designed for accurate detection of processed and unprocessed allergen proteins, these fast, easy tests can be used for clean-in-place (CIP) final rinse water, environmental swab samples, raw ingredients and finished food products. We’ve taken the hassle out of allergen testing. You see the results.
  • The complete 3M Sample Handling Collection. Better testing begins with better samples – and better samples are obtained when you use the best collection tools. 3M™ Sample Collection, Preparation and Processing solutions provide quality products for every step of your process. Convenient, ready-to-use products. Consistent, reliable results. Every time. Choosing a sampling sponge. When determining which sampling sponge to use, it’s important to consider certain factors in your testing process:
    • Bacteria
    • Biocides
    • Environment
    • Strength
    • Consistency
    • Temperature
  • Neogen logo Neogen Allergen Testing Kit - ELISA Protein
    Protein Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Tests for allergen proteins. The Neogen Allergen Protein ELISA Kits utilise a sandwich ELISA. The target protein present in the sample react with the specific antibodies, which have been adsorbed to the surface of polystyrene microtiter wells. After the removal of unbound proteins by washing, antibodies conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) are added. This enzyme-labeled antibody forms complexes with the previously bound target protein. Following a second washing step, the enzyme bound to the immunosorbent is detected by the addition of a chromogenic substrate, 3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB). The colour development from this enzymatic reaction varies directly with the concentration of target protein in the sample tested; thus, the absorbance, at 450 nm, is a measure of the concentration of the target protein in the test sample. The quantity of protein in the test sample can be extrapolated from the standard curve, constructed from standards of known concentration, and adjusted to consider the sample dilution.
  • Aerobic Count results as soon as 48 hours The 3M™ Petrifilm™ Aerobic Count Plate is a time-saving, sample-ready plate designed to determine total aerobic bacteria populations. A built-in grid facilitates counting colonies, helping to provide fast, precise and consistent results. Each 3M Petrifilm Aerobic Count Plate contains a water-soluble gelling agent, nutrients and indicator — all the components needed for microbial growth with no agar preparation required. The 3M Petrifilm Aerobic Count Plate provides total aerobic count in as little as 48 hours. A red indicator dye in the plate colors all colonies red for better contrast and easier colony counting. The red colonies are also easily distinguished from opaque food particles that can cause confusion when using other plating methods. The 3M Petrifilm Plate Advantage In today’s environment of heightened focus on food safety and increasingly stringent quality requirements, labs are under pressure to provide tests that are fast, reliable and consistently accurate. 3M Petrifilm Plates have demonstrated consistent performance that has been cited globally with more than 200 certificates, recognitions, validations, and peer-review publications. For more than 30 years, food safety professionals around the world have put their trust in 3M Petrifilm Plates. That’s because 3M Petrifilm Plates have streamlined, standardized and simplified the process of microbial quantitative indicator testing, improving productivity and helping ensure the highest levels of product quality. In addition, 3M Petrifilm Aerobic Count Plates can be used to aerobically or anaerobically enumerate lactic acid bacteria in food and environmental samples.  
  • 3M™ Petrifilm™ Plate Reader Advanced
    3M Food Safety Lab Automation—moving food testing forward There's no slowing down with automated 3M™ Petrifilm™ Plate enumeration using the 3M™ Petrifilm™ Plate Reader Advanced. It’s time to advance the efficiency of your lab by automating the imaging, interpretation and tracking of results. This system achieved up to 94% reduced time to enumerate 3M™ Petrifilm™ Plates (observed on the 3M™ Petrifilm™ Aerobic Count Plate with High Counts). The 3M™ Petrifilm™ Plate Reader Advanced is a compact instrument that automates the enumeration of 10 different 3M™ Petrifilm™ Plates and the 3M™ Petrifilm™ Staph Express Disk to enhance laboratory productivity and ensure accurate, consistent readings. Results are stored in the 3M™ Petrifilm™ Plate Manager Software for data analysis. The 3M™ Petrifilm™ Plate Reader Advanced enumerates 10 different 3M™ Petrifilm™ Plates: Rapid Aerobic Count, Rapid Coliform Count, Rapid E. coli/Coliform Count, Rapid Yeast and Mold Count, Aerobic Count, Coliform Count, Enterobacteriaceae Count, E. coli/Coliform Count, Select E. coli Count, Staph Express Count and Staph Express Disk. Following incubation, 3M Petrifilm Plates can be easily fed into the 3M Petrifilm Plate Reader Advanced where each plate is imaged and enumerated via onboard fixed artificial intelligence in less than six seconds. Each 3M Petrifilm Plate artificial intelligence network was trained and validated with a wide assortment of food matrices to ensure accurate plate enumeration. The 3M™ Petrifilm™ Plate Manager Software utilises a simple and streamlined user interface to collect, store, and report 3M Petrifilm Plate results. The system recognises 10 barcode symbologies which enables users to easily map details such as technician, food type, and dilution, rather than transcribing by hand. Results can be exported to a user’s Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) and other reporting tools. Additionally, the 3M Petrifilm Plate Manager Software allows users to access results from multiple PCs that are connected to a company intranet.
  • Detects coliforms in bottled water 3M™ Petrifilm™ Aqua Coliform Count Plates are sample-ready media plates used to measure coliform levels and provide reliable test method for bottled water. Each plate contains a water-soluble gelling agent, nutrients and indicators in a dry, shelf-stable format. The indicator dye colors all colonies red, and the top film traps the gas produced by the coliforms. Gas trapped around red coliform colonies indicates confirmed colonies. The 3M Petrifilm Plate Advantage In today’s environment of heightened focus on food safety and increasingly stringent quality requirements, labs are under pressure to provide tests that are fast, reliable and consistently accurate. 3M Petrifilm Plates have demonstrated consistent performance that has been cited globally with more than 200 certificates, recognitions, validations, and peer-review publications. For more than 30 years, food safety professionals around the world have put their trust in 3M Petrifilm Plates. That’s because 3M Petrifilm Plates have streamlined, standardized and simplified the process of microbial quantitative indicator testing, improving productivity and helping ensure the highest levels of product quality.
  • Detects heterotrophic bacteria in bottled water 3M™ Petrifilm™ Aqua Heterotrophic Count Plates provide fast, accurate results in enumerating heterotrophic bacteria in the bottled water industry. These plates are used for the enumeration of heterotrophic bacteria in bottled water industries. The 3M Petrifilm Plate Advantage In today’s environment of heightened focus on food safety and increasingly stringent quality requirements, labs are under pressure to provide tests that are fast, reliable and consistently accurate. 3M Petrifilm Plates have demonstrated consistent performance that has been cited globally with more than 200 certificates, recognitions, validations, and peer-review publications. For more than 30 years, food safety professionals around the world have put their trust in 3M Petrifilm Plates. That’s because 3M Petrifilm Plates have streamlined, standardized and simplified the process of microbial quantitative indicator testing, improving productivity and helping ensure the highest levels of product quality.    
  • Enumeration of yeast and mold in bottled water 3M™ Petrifilm™ Aqua Yeast and Mold Count Plates are a sample-ready culture medium system which contain nutrients supplemented with antibiotics, a cold-water-soluble gelling agent, and an indicator that facilitates yeast and mold enumeration. These plates are used for the enumeration of yeast and mold in bottled water industries. The 3M Petrifilm Plate Advantage In today’s environment of heightened focus on food safety and increasingly stringent quality requirements, labs are under pressure to provide tests that are fast, reliable and consistently accurate. 3M Petrifilm Plates have demonstrated consistent performance that has been cited globally with more than 200 certificates, recognitions, validations, and peer-review publications. For more than 30 years, food safety professionals around the world have put their trust in 3M Petrifilm Plates. That’s because 3M Petrifilm Plates have streamlined, standardized and simplified the process of microbial quantitative indicator testing, improving productivity and helping ensure the highest levels of product quality.    
  • Coliform results in 24 hours 3M™ Petrifilm™ Coliform Count Plates provide a cost-effective, convenient and reliable method for testing equipment, raw materials, food products and manufacturing environmental samples. The 3M Petrifilm Coliform Count Plate is a sample-ready-culture-medium system which contains Violet Red Bile (VRB) nutrients, a cold-water-soluble gelling agent, and a tetrazolium indicator that facilitates colony enumeration in food and beverage samples. These plates provide total coliform count information with confirmed results in just 24 hours. By eliminating subsequent confirmation steps required with most traditional reference methods, the 3M Petrifilm Coliform Count Plates can help increase productivity and reduce overall lab costs. The 3M Petrifilm Plate Advantage In today’s environment of heightened focus on food safety and increasingly stringent quality requirements, labs are under pressure to provide tests that are fast, reliable and consistently accurate. 3M Petrifilm Plates have demonstrated consistent performance that has been cited globally with more than 200 certificates, recognitions, validations, and peer-review publications. For more than 30 years, food safety professionals around the world have put their trust in 3M Petrifilm Plates. That’s because 3M Petrifilm Plates have streamlined, standardized and simplified the process of microbial quantitative indicator testing, improving productivity and helping ensure the highest levels of product quality.
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