Positive multi-marker QC Multichem Infectious Disease (ID) Quality Controls (QC) samples, have been specifically optimised and validated to match assays commonly used for infectious diseases testing. Multichem ID-B is an unassayed control, optimised for Abbott and Diasorin instruments. Scroll down to view the product benefits and analyte list. The Multichem ID Multi-marker range of products is easily identifiable by their colour coding (in this case B for blue). Multichem ID-B consolidates six analytes (see analyte list below). This unassayed product is optimised for specific platforms, including; Abbott Architect, Abbott Alinity i, Abbott Alinity s, DiaSorin Liaison, DiaSorin Liaison XL MUREX.
Positive quality control for antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 (including IgG) Multichem ID-COVID19 G is an unasssayed third-party quality control for Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 (including IgG). This Quality Control is available with access to the Technopath Clinical Diagnostics inter-laboratory Peer program, IAMQC®. The Multichem ID-COVID19 G (unassayed) is a positive control for antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 virus (including IgG). The kit is delivered in a choice of two configurations: 4x2mL tubes with an integrated instrument barcode and secondly 4 x 4mL vials. The product is suitable for use on all major platforms, including amongst others, Abbott, Roche and Siemens. All Multichem ID-COVID19 quality controls are supported by the inter-laboratory Peer program - IAMQC®.
Negative quality control for antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 (including IgG) Multichem ID-COVID19Neg is an unassayed negative third-party quality control for antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 (including IgG). This Quality Control is available with access to the Technopath Clinical Diagnostics inter-laboratory Peer program, IAMQC®. The Multichem ID-COVID19Neg (unassayed) is an unassayed negative third-party quality control for antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 (including IgG). The kit is delivered in a choice of two configurations: 4x2mL tubes with an integrated instrument barcode and secondly 4 x 4mL vials. The product is suitable for use on all major platforms, including amongst others, Abbott, Roche and Siemens. All Multichem ID-COVID19 quality controls are supported by the inter-laboratory Peer program - IAMQC®.
Negative multi-marker QC Multichem Infectious Disease (ID) Quality Controls (QC) samples, have been specifically optimised and validated to match assays commonly used for infectious diseases testing. Multichem ID-SeroNeg provides a negative control for the analytes listed below. Scroll down to view the product benefits and analyte list. Multichem ID SeroNeg provides a third party, unassayed, negative control for commonly tested assays for anti-HIV, anti-HCV, anti HTLV, anti-HBc, anti-Treponema, HBsAg and HIVp24